Java 进程使用的内存组成
Java JVM About 4,369 words内存组成
- VM 内存
堆内存Young Gen
新生代Old Gen
老年代Perm Gen
永久代(JDK <=7
Non Heap
元空间(JDK >= 8
VM Thread Stacks
虚拟机线程栈Native Thread Stacks
本地线程栈Code Cache
方法缓存Native Memory
追踪)Direct Buffer
- Non JVM 非虚拟机内存
Native Libraries
本地依赖库JNI Naitve Code
查看 MetaSpace
bash-4.4$ jcmd 1 VM.metaspace
Total Usage - 2067 loaders, 14224 classes (1185 shared):
Non-Class: 4901 chunks, 60.42 MB capacity, 58.81 MB ( 97%) used, 1.30 MB ( 2%) free, 5.11 KB ( <1%) waste, 306.31 KB ( <1%) overhead, deallocated: 1889 blocks with 371.17 KB
Class: 2288 chunks, 8.92 MB capacity, 7.93 MB ( 89%) used, 874.52 KB ( 10%) free, 72 bytes ( <1%) waste, 143.00 KB ( 2%) overhead, deallocated: 205 blocks with 57.08 KB
Both: 7189 chunks, 69.34 MB capacity, 66.74 MB ( 96%) used, 2.16 MB ( 3%) free, 5.18 KB ( <1%) waste, 449.31 KB ( <1%) overhead, deallocated: 2094 blocks with 428.25 KB
Virtual space:
Non-class space: 62.00 MB reserved, 60.50 MB ( 98%) committed
Class space: 88.00 MB reserved, 8.95 MB ( 10%) committed
Both: 150.00 MB reserved, 69.45 MB ( 46%) committed
Chunk freelists:
specialized chunks: 3, capacity 3.00 KB
small chunks: 5, capacity 20.00 KB
medium chunks: (none)
humongous chunks: (none)
Total: 8, capacity=23.00 KB
specialized chunks: (none)
small chunks: (none)
medium chunks: (none)
humongous chunks: (none)
Total: 0, capacity=0 bytes
Waste (percentages refer to total committed size 69.45 MB):
Committed unused: 93.00 KB ( <1%)
Waste in chunks in use: 5.18 KB ( <1%)
Free in chunks in use: 2.16 MB ( 3%)
Overhead in chunks in use: 449.31 KB ( <1%)
In free chunks: 23.00 KB ( <1%)
Deallocated from chunks in use: 428.25 KB ( <1%) (2094 blocks)
-total-: 3.13 MB ( 5%)
MaxMetaspaceSize: 96.00 MB
CompressedClassSpaceSize: 88.00 MB
Initial GC threshold: 20.80 MB
Current GC threshold: 96.00 MB
CDS: on
InitialBootClassLoaderMetaspaceSize: 4.00 MB
查看 StringTable
bash-4.4$ jcmd 1 VM.stringtable
StringTable statistics:
Number of buckets : 65536 = 524288 bytes, each 8
Number of entries : 32792 = 524672 bytes, each 16
Number of literals : 32792 = 2469032 bytes, avg 75.294
Total footprsize_t : = 3517992 bytes
Average bucket size : 0.500
Variance of bucket size : 0.502
Std. dev. of bucket size: 0.708
Maximum bucket size : 5
查看 SymbolTable
bash-4.4$ jcmd 1 VM.symboltable
SymbolTable statistics:
Number of buckets : 20011 = 160088 bytes, each 8
Number of entries : 169692 = 4072608 bytes, each 24
Number of literals : 169692 = 9351528 bytes, avg 55.109
Total footprint : = 13584224 bytes
Average bucket size : 8.480
Variance of bucket size : 8.375
Std. dev. of bucket size: 2.894
Maximum bucket size : 22
查看 Code Cache
bash-4.4$ jcmd 1 Compiler.CodeHeap_Analytics | head -n 20
General JIT info
JIT is : on
Compiler threads : 2
CodeCache overview
Reserved size : 245760 KB
Committed size : 39104 KB
Unallocated capacity : 207875 KB
CodeCache cleaning overview
bash-4.4$ jcmd 1 Compiler.codecache
CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods': size=120036Kb used=6897Kb max_used=6897Kb free=113138Kb
bounds [0x00007f5a6c2d8000, 0x00007f5a6c998000, 0x00007f5a73811000]
CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods': size=120032Kb used=30164Kb max_used=30164Kb free=89867Kb
bounds [0x00007f5a64da0000, 0x00007f5a66b20000, 0x00007f5a6c2d8000]
CodeHeap 'non-nmethods': size=5692Kb used=1328Kb max_used=1370Kb free=4363Kb
bounds [0x00007f5a64811000, 0x00007f5a64a81000, 0x00007f5a64da0000]
total_blobs=12974 nmethods=12353 adapters=533
compilation: enabled
stopped_count=0, restarted_count=0
Views: 602 · Posted: 2023-12-18
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