Nginx 转发 HTTPS 请求
说明 对于https请求,与http请求一样,使用proxy_pass即可(不包括自签名HTTPS证书)。 配置 location /api/ { proxy_pass https://te
Spring Boot OpenFeign 配置 HTTPS 客户端证书
配置代码 其中证书文件使用base64加密,以字符串形式配置在application.yaml文件中。 import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor; import o
2024-04-07, Views: 1045 , Topics: Spring Boot OpenFeign HTTPS
curl 报错 (60) SSL certificate problem
错误信息 curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate
k6 压测 HTTPS 接口报 X509 certificate signed by unknown authority
错误信息 X509: certificate signed by unknown authority 解决方法 跳过证书校验。 命令行启动参数中添加--inse
OpenResty 使用 Certbot 生成 SSL 证书
操作系统 Centos8 安装 snap 包管理器 安装epel仓库并更新 sudo dnf install epel-release sudo dnf u
2021-09-15, Views: 4484 , Topics: OpenResty HTTPS Let's Encrypt
Ubuntu 使用 Certbot 给 Nginx 添加 SSL 证书
关于 Certbot Certbot不用注册Let's Encrypt账号(它会自动帮你注册),不用手动修改配置服务器配置,一行命令搞定。 安装示例 以我的服务
2021-05-10, Views: 3195 , Topics: Nginx Let's Encrypt HTTPS
OpenResty lua-resty-http unable to get local issuer certificate
错误信息 在请求https接口时,抛出了如下异常信息: lua ssl certificate verify error: (20: unable to get
OpenResty lua-resty-auto-ssl 无法颁发证书问题
开启 debug 日志 error_log logs/error.log debug; 错误日志 2021/02/17 11:13:47 [notice] 1
2021-05-09, Views: 2964 , Topics: OpenResty HTTPS Let's Encrypt
OpenResty lua-resty-auto-ssl: failed to set ocsp stapling for
错误日志 lua-resty-auto-ssl报错。 2021/02/17 08:59:12 [error] 28822#0: 17557 [lua] ssl
2021-05-08, Views: 3566 , Topics: OpenResty HTTPS Let's Encrypt
OpenResty 使用 lua-resty-auto-ssl 配置 https 证书
lua-resty-auto-ssl 开源地址 https://github.com/auto-ssl/lua-resty-auto-ssl lua-resty
2021-05-06, Views: 7418 , Topics: OpenResty Let's Encrypt HTTPS
Charles 提示 SSL Proxying not enabled for this host
错误信息 SSL Proxying not enabled for this host: enable in Proxy Settings, SSL loca